Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Workout Wednesday

We are beginning a new series here on CCMB that I hope you all enjoy! Every Wednesday, we will post a workout that is specifically designed for moms with very little time. These workouts can be done at home, with no (or minimal) equipment, quietly, and in less than 20 minutes. Ideal for nap time! With summer approaching quickly, many people are trying to get in shape for that swimsuit. I don't know about you, but for me personally, the quickest way to fail at an exercise routine is for my sole goal to be weight loss. For whatever reason, it's just not that motivating to me. I find that I have much more success sticking to a plan when my goal is to be able to lift the baby's car seat without throwing out my back, for example. Or to be able to play soccer with my 3 year old for as long as he wants, without feeling like I've hiked up Mt. Everest afterwards. Exercise can do a great many things for improving your quality of life, without weight loss ever entering the equation. So, I encourage you to take those 20 minutes out of your day for YOU! Your body will thank you for it! 

images via workoutlab

The Booty Buster
- 15 squats
- 15 sumo squats
- 15 lunges, right side
- 15 lunges, left side
- 30 jumping jacks

Repeat 3 times

*Please speak with your doctor before beginning any workout program. We at CCMB are not personal trainers, just moms sharing knowledge! We accept no responsibility for injury sustained during our suggested workouts*

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